Our Company, Dogan Mesh Wire, was founded in 1968 and we are proud to share our 45 years of experience and knowledge with our customers. Since the year of the foundation; our company gives importance to high quality in production, timely delivery and fast execution with our high experienced staff.
Due to increase in the demand of different type of products and the world perspective of our company’s vision, the product ranges and types have been increased and now, mesh wire, panel fence, barbed wire, razor wire, high security fences, concrete posts and braces, steel fence, mobile fence, vehicle and personnel gates are being manufactured by our company.
According to the quality principle of our company, the high qualified production should be completed with the high qualified service. For this reason, our services consist of field survey and investigations, project designs, providing shop drawings to bring appropriate solutions, conducting quality tests at the laboratories, execution with high experienced staff, quality control of the products and conducting site quality tests after the completion of the installation works.
Despite being the leader of the market, the quality and the continuity of the products, emphasis on customer satisfaction and after-sales services are the most dominant factors for our company. Consequently, we aim to develop and improve our company for the future needs of the world market.
Our company would be glad to be at the service of our customers in the fields of our expertise.